Lay Representatives

The remit of the Lay Representative, of which Thames Valley has ten, is predominantly that of an observer to ensure that NHSE activity (such as recruitment and assessment) is conducted in line with the relevant guidance. Additionally at both the Quality Committee and any quality interventions the Lay Representative provides external scrutiny on behalf of both the public and trainees. This provides assurance to NHSE and the professional regulators that our processes and decisions are transparent, equitable and robust.

Lay Representatives may be involved in the Thames Valley quality processes for ensuring high quality learning environments, as set out in the NHSE’s National Quality Strategy and Framework. Lay Representatives may be asked to:  

  • Join a visiting panel to Local Education Providers to carry out quality interventions.  
  • Be involved in associated quality activities and meetings, particularly the Quality Committee.  
  • Ensure that decision making processes are consistent, robust and transparent.   
  • Observe, witness and challenge where necessary such processes to ensure equity of approach. Provide a written summary where challenges have occurred.  
  • To ensure non-discriminatory practices are adopted by all panel/committee members.