Form R

From 1 October 2022 Form R’s for Specialty and GP doctors in training in Thames Valley training programmes are to be completed via the Trainee Information Self Service Portal. Psychiatry doctors in training must ensure that their Form R’s are not created on their e-portfolios. Please read through the email and guidance that you are sent by your Programme Team ahead of your ARCP. Foundation doctors in training are the exception to this rule as they are required to use the Form R that is available on the Horus E-portfolio.

Key points

You will need to set up an account including Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).

You will be able to view your personal information, programme and placement information

The Form R will pull through the majority of the required information automatically but you can edit any of this within the Form R before submitting.

The Form R is in 2 parts (Part A and B) – both parts must be completed each time.

Please include any clinical work undertaken outside of training and complete a Whole Scope of Practice Form.

Refer to our guidance document